Yesterday, Reuters broke the extraordinary story (link here) that Falwell has for many years been involved in a ménage à trois relationship involving himself, his wife, and a young man they first met when he was a poolboy in Florida. The former poolboy said that he and Falwell's wife would fuck on the bed whilst Falwell himself sat in the corner and watched. The poolboy released text messages and emails to Reuters that confirm the relationship.
This revelation came a few weeks after Falwell posted and then quickly deleted a photo on social media that showed him posing with an attractive young woman on a yacht — with his pants unfastened and his fly all the way down. Shortly thereafter, he took an indefinite leave of absence from his post as president of the ultra-conservative evangelical Liberty University.
If awards were given out for outrageous hypocrisy, Falwell would definitely be a finalist in the most important category. Why is it that prominent self-appointed moralists often end up caught with their pants down — literally?

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