Not only would I not recommend buying it, I wouldn't even recommending reading it. The juicy revelations therein about Trump's staggering incompetence and profound ignorance were already covered in detail by the media when the book went on sale in late June.
The book is very poorly written and badly edited. There's utterly no self-reflection by the author, no overall analysis, no macro vision at all. It's largely just a narrative of what Bolton did day after day.
Many times, it reads like he just opened his appointment book for the time he was in the White House, and then wrote out a narrative account of each day, day in and day out. He includes such trivial details as what time someone called him on the phone, how long they were on the phone, what time meetings started, who was there, where they sat, when he was stuck in traffic, what time he left for the airport, when his flights took off and landed, and on and on.
Bolton has a towering ego and limitless arrogance, which is abundantly clear in the book. He's dogmatic and inflexible, and if you don't agree with him 100 percent, you're an idiot. The only person he really seems to like is himself.
I found only two revelations in this book that were not already covered in the media reporting.
First is the fact that Trump unequivocally believes everything Rudy Giuliani tells him without a moment's hesitation and no matter how preposterous. And second was a clear sense of how often Trump worries first about how a decision will affect Russia and the Russian military while scant thought is given to America and US military personnel.
With that, here's a reminder that the election is three months from today and a rhetorical question: what are you doing to ensure that Trump is soundly defeated?

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