He begins: "After serving for more than two years in the Department of Homeland Security’s leadership during the Trump administration, I can attest that the country is less secure as a direct result of the President’s actions."
Ouch. It continues in this same vein: "Like many Americans, I had hoped that Trump, once in office, would soberly accept the burdens of the presidency — foremost among them the duty to keep America safe. But he did not rise to the challenge. Instead, the President has governed by whim, political calculation, and self-interest... [He] has tried to turn DHS, the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, into a tool used for his political benefit. He insisted on a near-total focus on issues that he said were central to his reelection."
As for our present crisis consuming our attention, the former Trump official equally spares no words: "The President’s bungled response to the coronavirus pandemic is the ultimate example. In his cavalier disregard for the seriousness of the threat, Trump failed to make effective use of the federal crisis response system painstakingly built after 9/11. Years of DHS planning for a pandemic threat have been largely wasted. Meanwhile, more than 165,000 Americans have died. It is more than a little ironic that Trump is campaigning for a second term as a law-and-order President. His first term has been dangerously chaotic. Four more years of this are unthinkable."
I've excerpted only highlights above and encourage you to read the whole piece — it's not long — and share with friends and acquaintances. Remind them that election day is November third, so they need to check now that their voter registration is in good order. They can do that by clicking here.

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