Speaking with compassion and conviction, he looked and sounded like a real President. The difference between him and what is now in the Oval office could not be more starkly drawn.
"America’s history tells us that it has been in our darkest moments that we’ve made our greatest progress," Biden said. "That we’ve found the light. And in this dark moment, I believe we are poised to make great progress again. That we can find the light once more."
Yesterday, Frank Bruni at the New York Times wrote a magnificent piece about the speech (link here) with the title "With the Speech of His Life, Joe Biden Becomes the Man for This Moment" and the secondary title of "A country in pain gets a lesson in perseverance."
An excerpt: "It was a forceful speech, above all because it was a direct one, not ornamented with oratorical curlicues but animated by his messy experience in this unpredictable world. It had enormous credibility because it had enormous heart — and because it came from someone who, emotionally, has suffered mightily and come out the other side."
Fate is offering us a lifeline now. We can move forward with Biden. Or we can remain mired in the muck that we're in now with the endless lies and boasting and corruption and cruelty and crime.
It's a choice between hope. And hopeless. Election Day is November third. Check that your voter registration is current and active by clicking here.

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